STEP - 1
Resume Assessment
- Candidate Resume Analysis Vs Candidate Experience, Candidate Aspiration, Industry Trends & Standards. Final Gap Analysis report generated.
- Candidate & Resume Writer Interaction (To understand the vision, future aspirations, the objective of making a resume, career journey, key contributions, SWOT, skills, achievements, etc) in order to gather candidate responses.
- Resume writer creates Candidate aspiration sheet that largely covers his future aspirations, future goals, target roles, target companies/ geographies and creates a docket for further processing.
- Resume Mentor Global team shares a customized questionnaire with a candidate for him to fill his responses and submit. This questionnaire helps the Resume Mentor Global team uncover untouched areas of candidate journey that may help create value on a resume while building content.

STEP - 2
Career Assessment Report
- Candidate to undergo a free online assessment test sponsored by Resume Mentor. This test will give the following four reports:- Career Options Report, Career Development Report, Career Enjoyment Analysis Report & Your Greatest Strength Report.
- Career Assessments reports generated highlighting Behavioral traits, Leadership traits, Job fitment, Growth & Success drivers, etc.
- Resume Content Strategy formulation initiated. Resume Mentor Global team internally discuss the outcome of the information from various sources and coins down on resume content strategy and roadmap as the next steps.
STEP - 3
Resume Wireframe & Storyboarding
- Resume Mentor Global team discusses recommendations with the candidate and thereafter initiates the process of building high-value content to gain recruiter immediate attention.
- Resume Mentor Global’s story-boarding team brainstorms to identify various sections on the front page and the rest of the pages. This is one of the most critical activities in the complete process since these sections are the ones that catch recruiter attention, build his interest to spend more time in further exploring resume & finally shortlist.
- Resume Mentor Global’s team fulfills the gap identified between Resume content analysis and gap analysis by feeding trendy & industry-focused content positioning candidates as best fit for the role. The content build is high on value, high on density, high on the richness, and recruiter friendly.
- Resume Mentor Global’s team identify slot for sections like Executive Summary, Executive Value offered, Turnkey Initiatives, Smart Widgets, Career Timeline, Career Graphs and data driven content.

STEP - 4
Resume Writing
- Resume Mentor Global’s team identify slot for sections like Executive Summary, Executive Value offered, Turnkey Initiatives, Smart Widgets, Career Timeline, Career Graphs and data driven content.
- Critical sections highlighting candidate’s actionable, initiatives, impact summary followed by notable results are build with the help of a data-driven & text-based approach.
- Growth & initiative driven sections is built in the form of graphs, charts, tables, infographics, etc. Intelligence is built from career assessment reports highlighting the candidate’s high-value persona that not only attracts recruiters but also creates the desire to know candidates more to further shortlist for a personal interview.
- Interesting Smart widgets covering 360-degree aspects of candidate, social/ professional network, recommendations given by colleagues, Ex-bosses, mentors, etc is displayed that increases candidate’s credibility and makes his/ her resume authentic & verifiable.
STEP - 5
Resume Formatting & Design
- Bucketing of information that looks impactful with data-driven approach Vs visual widget approach Vs text-based approach.
- Introduction of smart features like QR Codes, Embedded videos, You tube links, etc.
- Layouts, consistency in color, design elements are finalized by the design team.

STEP - 6
Quality Check & Iteration
- Resume Mentor Global’s delivery team that creates a resume sends a blueprint to the quality team to further audit their work, inputs, data, information, and give a go-ahead. Post this, the quality team approves, rejects, and modifies resume blueprint on 30 quality parameters that are defined by the quality department.
- Resume Writer interacts with customers to discuss, debate resume blueprint & make necessary recommendations/ iterations with the mutual agreement without compromising on quality, information covered, layout, approach, 30 quality parameters, and global standards.