Recruiters Adopted Smart Methods of Recruiting but a Job-Seeker is still Conventional.

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Recruiters Adopted Smart Methods of Recruiting but a Job-Seeker is still Conventional.

A resume is an important document that needs exceptional guidance, strong content & out of box thinking to ensure a strong pitch to prospective employers. Companies worldwide have built a customer perception that resumes get you a job that essentially is not the case. On the contrary, it resume helps you get an interview opportunity to present yourself in front of an employer.

Resume Writing is all about creating a value proposition for the employer, but a jobseeker does need to understand that investing time, money & efforts in the resume creation is an investment that will fetch him a job & a high compensation. Gone are the days when we used to create & share “ONE FOR ALL” resumes made by ourselves to the best of our abilities. With the evolution of smart technologies, recruitment & recruiters have become smart too. Unfortunately, a job seeker has not evolved mentally, nor these resume writing companies had let him grow for some reasons (Maybe a well-informed & updated customer could be more demanding)

In the modern world of recruitment, those who are multiskilled are preferred by employers since they can take additional roles. Now it becomes all the more relevant to show ROI on the resume, but we continue accepting standard resumes either from a third party or else from ourselves since our understanding is limited too. Resume can’t be a generic document that is laden with basic statements, today resume should be interactive, data-driven, action-oriented, content & value-driven, and Smart Resumes have successfully replaced traditional text resume. Since recruiters hire from Linkedin & check out your social profiles to evaluate your personality outside the work environment, it becomes all the more necessary to broadcast your communication patterns, leadership styles, business acumen, financial acumen, etc, on your resume.

Every resume is different since every individual has unique skills, expertise, knowledge & experience, so a resume builder cannot create customized resumes as they have limitations & a resume writer making a resume using a template approach will also fail since there is no focus on value & customization, however, a good resume is a fusion of technology & human efforts that creates an exceptional content using artificial intelligence-driven assessments, data & analytics that gives a 720º view of the jobseeker to the recruiter. A resume consultant who is part of the mainstream corporate world is the best person to provide you consultation on your resume as he/ she adds value, ingredients, mission-critical information most progressively. An experienced resume writer nails in finally with his ability to articulate the value through the content. Smart features, Smart codes, Smart layouts help build engagement of recruiter & increase his attention span from 6 seconds to 5 minutes on your resume.

We at Resume Mentor Global create these smart resumes using  Artificial Intelligence & Data-driven approach. Our Resume Consultants are part of the corporate world who provide their subject matter expertise & best of breed writers nails it best by creating jaw-dropping content. Every resume passes through six steps that further strengthens our commitment to our customers. A Smart Resume not only helps you get interview calls but also helps you position yourself during the interview process with the help of our AI-driven 100 pages assessment report.
